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~ * Amber's Poems * ~

Split in two
Which to choose
Pick me, no me
You're a dark side
When I'm the light
Why the confusion just pick a side
I know your troble
Then the other is dull
How the mind screams out
Want to choose such little time
So flip a dime 50/50
I got the bad side
But isn't that always the way
I never seem to have a good day
Time goes by but life's the same
I still have nothing to claim
Hours on end of timeless bends
Lift a hand grab a pen
Choose your side of split personality!


You must have a charm
You like guys maybe to many
You sound an alarm
The phone rings
I hear your cries
As problems fill your eyes
And it's all about guys
How they treat you
At least they never beat you
But still your heart breaks
Another guy leaves out the gate
One buy one your teeth begin to grate
But you pick up yourself again
And find another
Will this one hurt you?
Or will he finally understand you
I guess we will have to find out
Or will he walk out
But either way my phone will ring and maybe
This time your tears will be of joy instead of problemed cries


Far away in a distant place
The feeling of being lost in space
Hurting inside and losing mind
Why can't there be a feeling of kind
Distant seas falling rivers
Tears of saddness cring times
Locked inside the mind
Seeing nothing but blank skies
Everyone left without good-bye's
Even friends with broken lies
Sounds of sadness without life
Baren land with no light
Silent death put up no fight
Time is gone the mind fades
And the intense feeling of hate
Last breaths of silent fate


Grown together
And hopefully forever
Best friends now together
Losing each other
Time pulling us apart
Sincere amd cruel
Nice and Kind
One another drawn in time
Different paths crossing lines
Many directions with many signs
Smiles and frowns
Lingering around
Best friends fading in a little town


Tall Green Grass
That lasts and Lasts
Through out the day
She will lay
Flower pedals cover a girl
She shines like a pearl
Golden eyes open wide
She soon rolls to one side
Tears of everlasting life
For she is Earth's wife
Mother Nature forever lives
And all she does is give
We take for garnet all these things
All the plants and animals she brings
Earth is dieing and Mother Nature can't stop it
The Tears of Everlasting life are still falling
All we are doing is stalling
Save something that she has made
Before we all fade


Spring is full of life
A young girl flies her kite
Across the sky
With her little bow tie
Her hair flows through the wind
Her soft baby skin
Little pink fingernails
Waters the grass with her lucky pail
Flower petals fill the air
She can smell the wonderful pair
The joy of life on a spring day
Makes life worth the stay


Every step I take
I feel like I will break
My heart beats slower
And I feel even lower
The sky seems black
What is it that I lack?
Friends will hurt me
They have the key
That kills me from inside
Which makes me feel as if I died
But I have learned
That it can be returned
I can live through anything
And everything
Because I am strong
Even thought it feels long
I can handle pain
And I will always remain

-- 12-21-01 --

I cry to myself
I place my life on the shelf
And sit in the corner
I lost all my honor
The tears fall
I place my cheek against the wall
Hoping to stop the pain
It's a gloomy day with rain
And I sit there thinking
I am wondering
Why our world is dying
I will keep trying
To help but what can I do?
Maybe I should ask, what about you?
I wonder if I am the only one
The only one who cares
These are all my tears
Where are all of yours?
Does it take wars?
To understand what's going on
What will it take for us to all be gone?
Before we realize what we have done
Because no one will have won
The battle of us
We argue and hate one another
Weather its mother or brother
Friend or foe
If you can tell what we owe
Then you can help this world
Stop the hate
So we can escape this fate.

-- 12-21-01 --

The twinkle in the sky
So far and high
The stars seem to live forever
But in life we can endevor
The fact we will never understand
For the answer is too grand
The stars will always be a mystery
Throught all our history
We wonder and ask
Where, how, when, and why
But we will never know what's in our sky

-- 12-21-01 --

A flower wilts and becomes the dirt
Time forgot all the hurt
The pain that was locked inside
Right before a soul died
The water is reused in many ways
This will happen over many days
Every time another is born
No longer does the soul mourn
But now lives again
And now the fall of rain
Is felt upon its skin
This is how its always been
A glitch in the way of time
The remembering of I'm
Again the feeling of déjà vu
A time in the past you once knew
The soul knows reincarnation
If you learn about our creation
If you can see a past
What you were in the life before last
Then you understand
The times you roamed this land

-- 12-26-01 --

Look deep in my eyes
All you will see is empty skies
Maybe a waterfall of tears
And a pool of all my fears
I may be steady on the outside
But on the inside I hide
I am this little girl sitting by a lake
Watching in ache
I see my reflection looking back
Wondering what I lack
I have a ton of questions I ask
But its not an easy task
My reflection won't give in
It just sits there and grins
I finally walk around
But there is nothing but barren ground
When you finally look just at me
You may think I am free
But the truth is I'm stuck
In my a world with out luck
I can't explore
I can't even soar
I can't see the world around me
I just need a key
So I can flee
From this place to find
Myself so I'm not so blind


I am so confused
It's not the feeling of being used
But the way we live
And how we thrive
On a planet that's grown so small
Its like a big crowded mall
No room to run
I'm surprised there is even room for the sun


I sit in the dead of night
As the tears fall tonight
Why and where are they from?
But the felling is so numb
I can't place the hurt or pain
But it's like the tears of rain
Falling down my face
If all these emotions I could just erase
Crying for no reason
Even thought the season
Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
I feel like a dieing doll
Everything around me is moving
What is this all proving


It was another day
And I look over in dismay
Please try not to cause trouble
I won't be the double
I'll make sure to be nice
So we don't break the ice
I want to be happy
And I want to make it snappy
We need to value each other
Instead of taking this further
Lets end it now
And take this vow
I am here to please you
I'm not here to tease you
I want us to be together
I want it to be forever
But for now lets take care of the little things
And then we will soar with wings


Do it
Lay down
Completely bound
Roll over
Come on, rover
Sitting in complete command
With every demand
We call upon mans best friend
It's all good in well in the end
Beaten in submission
It's only they're disposition
To retrieve
To leave
To be everything you want them to be
You treat them with love but they are not free
They are little oppressed souls
Under human controls


The tears begin to roll down
You may not even see me around
But I am here trying hard
Sitting in the middle of my yard
Practicing and trying my best
My best to be better than the rest
To be all that I can be
And for this I give a plea
Please, Please let me soar
Just don't put me on ignore
Realize that I can actually be something
So that maybe one day I can sing
Or maybe act on the big screen
I just want to be able to make the scene
Only a few ever make it
Maybe they don't have enough wit
Or maybe its just not right
Just not made for the spotlight
Hopefully I have what it takes
But until the day my heart aches
And sit and try for the big part
But for now me and dream are apart


I sat and dreamed on my bed.
When Crack.
The door opened.
I tugged and pulled at the covers.
Screamed in pain at the thoughts.
What opened that door?
What evil presence waited at my door?
Could it be the living dead?
I opened my eyes in fear.
A horrid figure filled my eyes.
It was nothing but darkness.
That filled my mind and room.
Hurt and pain that filled my mind.
The darkness engulfed my every move.
I cried and cried wondering what this emptiness was.
But to my surprise it was only a dream.


She stares out the crying window
The rain makes my vision go to a blur
Wisk away my tears and see a meadow
Coldness takes my body into a burr

Forgotten worries, silence speaks sadness
Barren walls, crying sky locked in my mind
Darkness grows within my evil madness
This horrid room I am forever bind

I sit in stillness my eyes gloss over
I lost family and all the friends
In darkness that of the tunnel gofer
And now my life is nothing till it ends

The girl is forever lost in the dark
She will forever be in shadows lark


I have been walking about my far back yard observing many things.
The birds running across the ground.
Ladybugs gathered on lush green leaves.
The loan red barn that still stands through out the years.
This place would look literary untouched if I hadn't driven my truck out here.
Now even after months of weathering and recent rains some tire tracks still remain.
Which totally looks misplaced in this yard that for so long has been discarded.
Past the main fence that leads back to our housing looks harsh.
Compared to the feeling of nature that you get when you turn your back.
Now that the sun is setting a darker haze sets upon this field.
Which accentuates the harsher vegetation of this place.
Which gives lakeside its true natural looks.
For this harsher region of the plants are the huge tumbleweeds.
That are sparsely placed about.
As the sunsets and the blue sky darken a moon is located directly above.
I see the birds and hear their beautiful sounds, which adds a tranquil aura.
All this in a big yard in the middle of civilization.
The sad thing is that I may enjoy this so much.
But others see it as an abandoned part of our yard with no meaning.
But many also see nothing in nature.
They have lost themselves to modernization and forgot about our dieing earth.
That they may lose their indulgence to.

3-19-02 Original Revised 12-30-02

Fantasies of Passionate roses
Beauty comes in many poses
Laying on a bed of rose petals
And wearing unique and rare metals
Spoiled with chocolates and love
The symbolic white dove
Will carry romantic winds
Whispering through my blinds
Soothing my room and air
The feeling is grand and rare
Making life fulfill every breath
No feelings of dark death
Only subdued light
Bringing a beautiful sight
A nice deep plunge
Using the cute sponge
To spread a refreshing clean
That makes you feel like a queen
The bath beads and scents
Becoming the most luxurious events


The tears fall down my face
If all these memories I could just erase
The pain destroys my inner soul
The emptiness is taking its toll
My life flashes before my eyes
My breathing slowly dies
My heartbeat is faint now
And all I ask is how
My visions of living are turning into a blur
I'm losing memory of who I were
My blood is no longer flowing
It is now showing
My eyes blink one last time
It's the end of I'm
My eyes are shut
The ending thoughts are cut
All I feel is intense pain
It is so hard to explain
Hearing is gone
Sight is gone
Breathing is gone
Movement is gone
I only think
Sorry for being mean to anyone
I wish I could have had more fun
I'm sorry for not always being there
Hope you know I will always care
I will miss every time we talked
Every time I walked
All the things I will forever miss
Just remember this
I dreamed
I screamed
I lived
I thrived
I was a friend
And this is the end
Now life is a thing of the past
And I have now passed


I have empathy
As well as sympathy
I believe in understanding
Try to be outstanding
Live life to the fullest
And be the bravest
Except people for who they are
For you can go far
If you want to live a better world
Its time to be swirled and twirled
To make this place a better place
For more than one face
Where all types come together
And unity is forever
Then happiness can be enjoyed
Instead of destroyed
Join in a hand
Then love can expand


Today I'm in school
It was just a beginning tool
To the rest of my life
And one day I will be a wife
But for now I am just taking a step
And all the friends kept
Hopefully more then just in my heart
But for now its time to part
I am off on a new road
Carrying a new load
Of new worries and responsibilities
And learning new abilities
In a new place
Moving at a faster pace
This is the place of learning
To see what you will be earning
Entering a place called collage


I sit up in room
It's like a personal tomb
I cry the tears of forgotten sadness
I am a victim of all the madness
The hurt stabs me within
Where did this all begin
Behind locked doors?
Under the ocean shores?
In twisted nights insanity?
The darkest depths of humanity?
The questions of the upsetting depression
That affects our every expression
The who and what of what we are
The thing that makes us look to each and every star
The little voice deep down
That makes us begin to drown
In our own sobbing tears
The combination of peers and fears over the years
The retreating soul wanders through
And to the dark corridors it's drew
Down twisting stair ways
In a horrible upsetting daze
Retreating from the mind
The soul will now find hard to find
Spiraling down the stairs faster
In the end only disaster
The mind is far from reach
The pain of losing speech
And the pain of being left alone
An eternity in the ear wrenching silent zone


There are things in life that don't seem right but you do them anyways
And you let it slide for so many long days
The pain inside is something know one can explain
And you wonder what exactly is really causing the pain
Is it that you are scared of what happens next?
There are a million and two new objects
That you could do or even explore
But you can't see what it would be like to not be where you are anymore
So what is it that you are so deathly afraid of?
If maybe someone could give you a shove
So you could make a second move because first doesn't work
It must just be your own personal quirk
Something you can't start for yourself
So take all the worries and doubts and place them on a shelf
Wipe away all the tears of empty pain
And now try to let it all drain
With a new and better life ahead of you
Now you can finally say you grew
The chains are broken
And you will no longer go unspoken
You can breath on your own
Because you have grown
Once again you can laugh your heart out
Cause this is what you have always been about
Hug yourself and smile
Because in ups and downs life's always worthwhile


The more I think
The less I know
And when I blink
The less I grow
I can sit here alone
In the darkness of night
Waiting for the unknown
Convince myself everything is alright
But deep down
I walk to a pool of fears
And wear a saddened frown
And I think back on all the years
When I was just a little girl
And nothing bothered me
But now not everything shines like a pearl
In fact there is a lot of crying
But even though I am still not old
There is a creeping fact of dying
And so I have been told
Not to worry about these things
Fill your life with a happy tone
But the thought stings
That I will one day not be here
Or maybe something terrible could happen
But everyday my time draws near
I am happy but so many things cloud my mind
And I am always in deep wonder
I'm just waiting for something in life I can find
Before it's my time to go under


Have you ever sat down and thought
And soon you get caught
On many subjects that fill your mind
And all these things your yet to find
The questions arrive in waves
But answers travel through an empty cave
Why do you want to know more?
But nothing ever washes on shore
So you continue to search
Which leads to research
And as you sip at your cup
Your almost about to give up
But something gives you a sudden boost
And this has introduced
A mind willing to open and understand
And they realize they can expand
That there is more to life then one way
And maybe you'll get it one day


~ * Amber's Poems * ~

Split in two
Which to choose
Pick me, no me
You're a dark side
When I'm the light
Why the confusion just pick a side
I know your troble
Then the other is dull
How the mind screams out
Want to choose such little time
So flip a dime 50/50
I got the bad side
But isn't that always the way
I never seem to have a good day
Time goes by but life's the same
I still have nothing to claim
Hours on end of timeless bends
Lift a hand grab a pen
Choose your side of split personality!


You must have a charm
You like guys maybe to many
You sound an alarm
The phone rings
I hear your cries
As problems fill your eyes
And it's all about guys
How they treat you
At least they never beat you
But still your heart breaks
Another guy leaves out the gate
One buy one your teeth begin to grate
But you pick up yourself again
And find another
Will this one hurt you?
Or will he finally understand you
I guess we will have to find out
Or will he walk out
But either way my phone will ring and maybe
This time your tears will be of joy instead of problemed cries


Far away in a distant place
The feeling of being lost in space
Hurting inside and losing mind
Why can't there be a feeling of kind
Distant seas falling rivers
Tears of saddness cring times
Locked inside the mind
Seeing nothing but blank skies
Everyone left without good-bye's
Even friends with broken lies
Sounds of sadness without life
Baren land with no light
Silent death put up no fight
Time is gone the mind fades
And the intense feeling of hate
Last breaths of silent fate


Grown together
And hopefully forever
Best friends now together
Losing each other
Time pulling us apart
Sincere amd cruel
Nice and Kind
One another drawn in time
Different paths crossing lines
Many directions with many signs
Smiles and frowns
Lingering around
Best friends fading in a little town


Tall Green Grass
That lasts and Lasts
Through out the day
She will lay
Flower pedals cover a girl
She shines like a pearl
Golden eyes open wide
She soon rolls to one side
Tears of everlasting life
For she is Earth's wife
Mother Nature forever lives
And all she does is give
We take for garnet all these things
All the plants and animals she brings
Earth is dieing and Mother Nature can't stop it
The Tears of Everlasting life are still falling
All we are doing is stalling
Save something that she has made
Before we all fade


Spring is full of life
A young girl flies her kite
Across the sky
With her little bow tie
Her hair flows through the wind
Her soft baby skin
Little pink fingernails
Waters the grass with her lucky pail
Flower petals fill the air
She can smell the wonderful pair
The joy of life on a spring day
Makes life worth the stay


Every step I take
I feel like I will break
My heart beats slower
And I feel even lower
The sky seems black
What is it that I lack?
Friends will hurt me
They have the key
That kills me from inside
Which makes me feel as if I died
But I have learned
That it can be returned
I can live through anything
And everything
Because I am strong
Even thought it feels long
I can handle pain
And I will always remain

-- 12-21-01 --

I cry to myself
I place my life on the shelf
And sit in the corner
I lost all my honor
The tears fall
I place my cheek against the wall
Hoping to stop the pain
It's a gloomy day with rain
And I sit there thinking
I am wondering
Why our world is dying
I will keep trying
To help but what can I do?
Maybe I should ask, what about you?
I wonder if I am the only one
The only one who cares
These are all my tears
Where are all of yours?
Does it take wars?
To understand what's going on
What will it take for us to all be gone?
Before we realize what we have done
Because no one will have won
The battle of us
We argue and hate one another
Weather its mother or brother
Friend or foe
If you can tell what we owe
Then you can help this world
Stop the hate
So we can escape this fate.

-- 12-21-01 --

The twinkle in the sky
So far and high
The stars seem to live forever
But in life we can endevor
The fact we will never understand
For the answer is too grand
The stars will always be a mystery
Throught all our history
We wonder and ask
Where, how, when, and why
But we will never know what's in our sky

-- 12-21-01 --

A flower wilts and becomes the dirt
Time forgot all the hurt
The pain that was locked inside
Right before a soul died
The water is reused in many ways
This will happen over many days
Every time another is born
No longer does the soul mourn
But now lives again
And now the fall of rain
Is felt upon its skin
This is how its always been
A glitch in the way of time
The remembering of I'm
Again the feeling of déjà vu
A time in the past you once knew
The soul knows reincarnation
If you learn about our creation
If you can see a past
What you were in the life before last
Then you understand
The times you roamed this land

-- 12-26-01 --

Look deep in my eyes
All you will see is empty skies
Maybe a waterfall of tears
And a pool of all my fears
I may be steady on the outside
But on the inside I hide
I am this little girl sitting by a lake
Watching in ache
I see my reflection looking back
Wondering what I lack
I have a ton of questions I ask
But its not an easy task
My reflection won't give in
It just sits there and grins
I finally walk around
But there is nothing but barren ground
When you finally look just at me
You may think I am free
But the truth is I'm stuck
In my a world with out luck
I can't explore
I can't even soar
I can't see the world around me
I just need a key
So I can flee
From this place to find
Myself so I'm not so blind


I am so confused
It's not the feeling of being used
But the way we live
And how we thrive
On a planet that's grown so small
Its like a big crowded mall
No room to run
I'm surprised there is even room for the sun


I sit in the dead of night
As the tears fall tonight
Why and where are they from?
But the felling is so numb
I can't place the hurt or pain
But it's like the tears of rain
Falling down my face
If all these emotions I could just erase
Crying for no reason
Even thought the season
Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
I feel like a dieing doll
Everything around me is moving
What is this all proving


It was another day
And I look over in dismay
Please try not to cause trouble
I won't be the double
I'll make sure to be nice
So we don't break the ice
I want to be happy
And I want to make it snappy
We need to value each other
Instead of taking this further
Lets end it now
And take this vow
I am here to please you
I'm not here to tease you
I want us to be together
I want it to be forever
But for now lets take care of the little things
And then we will soar with wings


Do it
Lay down
Completely bound
Roll over
Come on, rover
Sitting in complete command
With every demand
We call upon mans best friend
It's all good in well in the end
Beaten in submission
It's only they're disposition
To retrieve
To leave
To be everything you want them to be
You treat them with love but they are not free
They are little oppressed souls
Under human controls


The tears begin to roll down
You may not even see me around
But I am here trying hard
Sitting in the middle of my yard
Practicing and trying my best
My best to be better than the rest
To be all that I can be
And for this I give a plea
Please, Please let me soar
Just don't put me on ignore
Realize that I can actually be something
So that maybe one day I can sing
Or maybe act on the big screen
I just want to be able to make the scene
Only a few ever make it
Maybe they don't have enough wit
Or maybe its just not right
Just not made for the spotlight
Hopefully I have what it takes
But until the day my heart aches
And sit and try for the big part
But for now me and dream are apart


I sat and dreamed on my bed.
When Crack.
The door opened.
I tugged and pulled at the covers.
Screamed in pain at the thoughts.
What opened that door?
What evil presence waited at my door?
Could it be the living dead?
I opened my eyes in fear.
A horrid figure filled my eyes.
It was nothing but darkness.
That filled my mind and room.
Hurt and pain that filled my mind.
The darkness engulfed my every move.
I cried and cried wondering what this emptiness was.
But to my surprise it was only a dream.


She stares out the crying window
The rain makes my vision go to a blur
Wisk away my tears and see a meadow
Coldness takes my body into a burr

Forgotten worries, silence speaks sadness
Barren walls, crying sky locked in my mind
Darkness grows within my evil madness
This horrid room I am forever bind

I sit in stillness my eyes gloss over
I lost family and all the friends
In darkness that of the tunnel gofer
And now my life is nothing till it ends

The girl is forever lost in the dark
She will forever be in shadows lark


I have been walking about my far back yard observing many things.
The birds running across the ground.
Ladybugs gathered on lush green leaves.
The loan red barn that still stands through out the years.
This place would look literary untouched if I hadn't driven my truck out here.
Now even after months of weathering and recent rains some tire tracks still remain.
Which totally looks misplaced in this yard that for so long has been discarded.
Past the main fence that leads back to our housing looks harsh.
Compared to the feeling of nature that you get when you turn your back.
Now that the sun is setting a darker haze sets upon this field.
Which accentuates the harsher vegetation of this place.
Which gives lakeside its true natural looks.
For this harsher region of the plants are the huge tumbleweeds.
That are sparsely placed about.
As the sunsets and the blue sky darken a moon is located directly above.
I see the birds and hear their beautiful sounds, which adds a tranquil aura.
All this in a big yard in the middle of civilization.
The sad thing is that I may enjoy this so much.
But others see it as an abandoned part of our yard with no meaning.
But many also see nothing in nature.
They have lost themselves to modernization and forgot about our dieing earth.
That they may lose their indulgence to.

3-19-02 Original Revised 12-30-02

Fantasies of Passionate roses
Beauty comes in many poses
Laying on a bed of rose petals
And wearing unique and rare metals
Spoiled with chocolates and love
The symbolic white dove
Will carry romantic winds
Whispering through my blinds
Soothing my room and air
The feeling is grand and rare
Making life fulfill every breath
No feelings of dark death
Only subdued light
Bringing a beautiful sight
A nice deep plunge
Using the cute sponge
To spread a refreshing clean
That makes you feel like a queen
The bath beads and scents
Becoming the most luxurious events


The tears fall down my face
If all these memories I could just erase
The pain destroys my inner soul
The emptiness is taking its toll
My life flashes before my eyes
My breathing slowly dies
My heartbeat is faint now
And all I ask is how
My visions of living are turning into a blur
I'm losing memory of who I were
My blood is no longer flowing
It is now showing
My eyes blink one last time
It's the end of I'm
My eyes are shut
The ending thoughts are cut
All I feel is intense pain
It is so hard to explain
Hearing is gone
Sight is gone
Breathing is gone
Movement is gone
I only think
Sorry for being mean to anyone
I wish I could have had more fun
I'm sorry for not always being there
Hope you know I will always care
I will miss every time we talked
Every time I walked
All the things I will forever miss
Just remember this
I dreamed
I screamed
I lived
I thrived
I was a friend
And this is the end
Now life is a thing of the past
And I have now passed


I have empathy
As well as sympathy
I believe in understanding
Try to be outstanding
Live life to the fullest
And be the bravest
Except people for who they are
For you can go far
If you want to live a better world
Its time to be swirled and twirled
To make this place a better place
For more than one face
Where all types come together
And unity is forever
Then happiness can be enjoyed
Instead of destroyed
Join in a hand
Then love can expand


Today I'm in school
It was just a beginning tool
To the rest of my life
And one day I will be a wife
But for now I am just taking a step
And all the friends kept
Hopefully more then just in my heart
But for now its time to part
I am off on a new road
Carrying a new load
Of new worries and responsibilities
And learning new abilities
In a new place
Moving at a faster pace
This is the place of learning
To see what you will be earning
Entering a place called collage


I sit up in room
It's like a personal tomb
I cry the tears of forgotten sadness
I am a victim of all the madness
The hurt stabs me within
Where did this all begin
Behind locked doors?
Under the ocean shores?
In twisted nights insanity?
The darkest depths of humanity?
The questions of the upsetting depression
That affects our every expression
The who and what of what we are
The thing that makes us look to each and every star
The little voice deep down
That makes us begin to drown
In our own sobbing tears
The combination of peers and fears over the years
The retreating soul wanders through
And to the dark corridors it's drew
Down twisting stair ways
In a horrible upsetting daze
Retreating from the mind
The soul will now find hard to find
Spiraling down the stairs faster
In the end only disaster
The mind is far from reach
The pain of losing speech
And the pain of being left alone
An eternity in the ear wrenching silent zone


There are things in life that don't seem right but you do them anyways
And you let it slide for so many long days
The pain inside is something know one can explain
And you wonder what exactly is really causing the pain
Is it that you are scared of what happens next?
There are a million and two new objects
That you could do or even explore
But you can't see what it would be like to not be where you are anymore
So what is it that you are so deathly afraid of?
If maybe someone could give you a shove
So you could make a second move because first doesn't work
It must just be your own personal quirk
Something you can't start for yourself
So take all the worries and doubts and place them on a shelf
Wipe away all the tears of empty pain
And now try to let it all drain
With a new and better life ahead of you
Now you can finally say you grew
The chains are broken
And you will no longer go unspoken
You can breath on your own
Because you have grown
Once again you can laugh your heart out
Cause this is what you have always been about
Hug yourself and smile
Because in ups and downs life's always worthwhile


The more I think
The less I know
And when I blink
The less I grow
I can sit here alone
In the darkness of night
Waiting for the unknown
Convince myself everything is alright
But deep down
I walk to a pool of fears
And wear a saddened frown
And I think back on all the years
When I was just a little girl
And nothing bothered me
But now not everything shines like a pearl
In fact there is a lot of crying
But even though I am still not old
There is a creeping fact of dying
And so I have been told
Not to worry about these things
Fill your life with a happy tone
But the thought stings
That I will one day not be here
Or maybe something terrible could happen
But everyday my time draws near
I am happy but so many things cloud my mind
And I am always in deep wonder
I'm just waiting for something in life I can find
Before it's my time to go under


Have you ever sat down and thought
And soon you get caught
On many subjects that fill your mind
And all these things your yet to find
The questions arrive in waves
But answers travel through an empty cave
Why do you want to know more?
But nothing ever washes on shore
So you continue to search
Which leads to research
And as you sip at your cup
Your almost about to give up
But something gives you a sudden boost
And this has introduced
A mind willing to open and understand
And they realize they can expand
That there is more to life then one way
And maybe you'll get it one day


*Poetry List*
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Amber 703
Amber 703